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Deadline for abstract submission: Extended until February 2, 2024

Abstract acceptance notice by March 15, 2024

PN 2024 organizing committee invites all interested individuals to submit abstracts for a presentation.

How will the conference work?

The conference will take place in Vancouver, at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

All onsite presentations, Plenary, Oral and Poster presentations, will be presented live as scheduled in the online conference program. Speakers will be present for their entire session in order to answer questions and participate in any discussions.

Selection Process

The abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the conference, which is composed of experts selected for their demonstrated knowledge of particular topics. Authors will be notified of the results of the review process by email.

If your paper is accepted, it will be assigned to either a lecture session (onsite participants only) or a poster session in the form of a poster displayed onsite (onsite participants). Prepare your presentation accordingly, following the guidelines below. The author's request for the presentation format is taken into consideration, but the final decision to assign a presentation in a lecture or a poster session rests with the evaluation committee.

Each accepted paper must be presented by one of the authors in person at the conference according to the published schedule. At least one of the authors must register for the conference before the author registration deadline. Failure to do so will result in the automatic withdrawal of the paper from BOTH the conference program and proceedings on IEEE Xplore.

How to proceed

  • Abstracts must be submitted according to the template below to ensure abstracts will be readable through the online review system and adhere to IEEE publication policies;
  • Oral: Oral presentations will last 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for questions. Spaces are limited. Those who are not successful in securing an oral presentation may be offered to present their abstract in a poster format.
  • Poster: Presenters will be asked to be available to answer questions during a dedicated poster viewing time (onsite). 
  • Each author may submit up to (3) three abstracts. The presenting author (underlined) must be registered for the conference in order for the abstract to be accepted and be allowed to give the oral presentation or to present the poster.
  • Use the below template to prepare your PDF.

Abstract Requirements

Abstracts may be no longer than 2 pages, including all text, figures, and references. Please note that after the submission deadline the list and the order of the authors cannot be modified, and must remain unchanged in the final version of the manuscript.

File Size Limit

Authors will be permitted to submit files weighing up to 3 MB.

Writing Language

English is the official language of the conference. As a result, all papers must be entirely submitted (and presented) in English.

Authors List

The authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below the title in capital and lowercase letters. Photonics North does not perform blind reviews, so be sure to include the author list in your submitted paper. Papers with multiple authors and affiliations may require two or more lines for this information. The order of the authors on the document should exactly match in number and order the authors typed into the online submission form.

Authors must submit their abstract online through the abstract submission system:

  1. First step: Once your abstract is written according to the instructions given in the template, choose your preferred session and a second choice in the “Sessions” link under “Program” on the conference homepage.
  2. Second step: Click on the “Submit your abstract” link at the bottom of this page. This will take you to a specific “Abstract submission” page: follow the instructions on this page.
  3. Third step: You will receive an automated email to confirm that we have received your abstract. Follow the instructions in this email and the link that will enable you to access your file and author entry forms at any time before the abstract submission deadline. The secretariat will process your request and send you an official confirmation email when your submission is validated. If you have not received a confirmation in the following 5 days, please contact
  4. Fourth step: Following this process, the scientific committee of the conference will review your abstract and inform you whether or not it is accepted, in which session, with or without modifications, and as an oral presentation (onsite) or a poster (onsite).