For your convenience, you can book directly on the hotel website using the links provided below. No special rates will be available for the conference. We strongly advise you to book your accommodation early.
Hotel Scam - There may be companies soliciting our participants by offering to book their hotel rooms for this event. Should you get a phone call or email from a Housing Management company, be aware that they have no relationship with Conferium or the Photonics North conference nor have they been authorized to book hotel rooms on our behalf. We recommend that you use the booking links on this page or contact the hotel directly to book your room.
Delegate List Scam - We do not sell delegate lists. Should you be contacted by a company offering to sell you a delegate list or any list, please be aware that they have no relationship with Conferium or the Photonics North conference nor have they been approved to promote the sale of our lists.
Best deal for Canadian University researchers - Most Canadian universities are member of Caubo. You can use Caubo to get a special accomodation rate in many Canadian hôtels. Visit their website to create your accout: